Posted in Travel

What Is It Like Travelling To Costa Rica During A Pandemic?

I made this brief Instagram post after settling in to our first hotel in San Jose, not quite doing justice to the amount of stress and anxiety endured to get to that point.

Booking a holiday pre-covid only revolved around excitement, maybe a little bit of nerves for flying, but generally there was nothing to worry about.

However now, post-2020, things aren’t so simple. The rules are ever changing and differ depending on where you’re coming from and going to – don’t even get me started on adding in a transit! Even in the time I’ve been home (7 days and counting, thanks covid) the rules have changed again. Therefore, this post isn’t perhaps as informative as it is about the experience, however I’m here to share anyway. The biggest lesson I can offer, straight off the bat, is 100% do your research if travelling anywhere now… do it and then do it again. If you’re in the UK, the government website has everything you need to know but it also a little confusing. The website I found most helpful was Sherpa and I believe that can be used by anyone, anywhere in the world.

My personal experience involved travelling from London, to Miami, then on to Costa Rica and of course back again.

A connection always worries me but I couldn’t find direct flights, although it does transpire some run from Gatwick. So if you’re planning a trip, try to get a direct flight and save yourself the add stress of a transit. Factoring in the rules for another country, just to be in the airport, was a tad frustrating.

Also check your baggage allowance, rather than assuming that all long flights include checked bags like I did, as it turns out they don’t. I booked flights months in advance and didn’t even think twice to check. Only when it came to prepping everything did I then re-read the flight details and realise it was hand luggage only. Perhaps some people can pack lighter than I can, but in my opinion you can’t fit enough for 10 days in Costa Rica in hand luggage! Turns out I was right, as we did so many different kinds of activities in different places, lots of layers and outfit choices were much needed.

So, you’d think we could add on baggage online right? Wrong! No such luck… then upon contacting the airline to do it instead via multiple calls and emails, being passed from pillar to post… they tell us that due to our connecting flight being with a different airline (operating under the same company, but still different), it has to be done at the airport. More expensive and more time consuming, fantastic.

Travelling to Costa Rica from the UK didn’t require a test or any quarantine, so that was a relief. However, transitting through the USA required either a PCR or an observed LFT, no more than 24 hours before – for both directions. When we first started planning, we also needed a pre-departure and day 2 test for returning home. Pre-departure was scrapped before we went and the day 2 has also since been scrapped – so like I say, it’s ever-changing!

Also required to travel was proof of vaccination, a pase de salud, an ESTA, attestation form, confirmation of contact details and a passenger locator form before returning. So lots of paperwork to complete and QR codes to scan. Then there’s another curveball if you’ve had Covid in the last 90 days… you don’t need to do the tests but have to show more proof. The friend I was travelling with had to pay extra to obtain this, only for us to then find out it can’t be uploaded online for an early check-in. Talk about a palava!

All of these hiccups made me pretty nervous. Our flight was leaving around 9.30am, so we’d need to be at the airport pretty early… what if we couldn’t check in or sort out our luggage? We’d opted to stay overnight at a nearby airport hotel and my boyfriend was dropping us off. He was kind enough to take us to the airport first so any issues could be ironed out, leaving us with less to worry about early morning.

What a saving grace that was. Whilst there, we paid for luggage (£85 each, ouch!), checked all our documentation was correct, checked in and printed boarding passes. It finally felt like we could be excited.

The night at the hotel was pretty surreal after that, knowing it was REALLY happening now… leaving my boyfriend behind for the biggest chunk of time ever in our 4 year relationship. We had a couple of drinks to settle our nerves and then tried to get some sleep.

It didn’t feel like many hours later and we were on the way to the airport, the nerves were real by this point but everything went off without a hitch.

The only issue I had was having to throw some liquids away, after mistakenly having a bag that was too big… under the liquid limit but still a problem apparently! I’m still a little bitter about the expensive moisturiser but it’s a lesson learnt, and I’m just thankful there were no further issues.

We attempted breakfast at Giraffe but nerves got the better of us and both plates went unfinished, despite being delicious.

Before we knew it, it was time to head to our gate.

The flight was a little bumpy but we made it to Miami with plenty of time for our connection. Just as well as the line for passport control was CRAZY.

By the time we were at our next gate, our energy was starting to flag. I was so tired that I wasn’t even bothered about boarding another flight, I just wanted to sleep.

Luckily, it didn’t take too long to get going and before we knew it… we finally landed in San Jose, safe and well. I’ll be honest, I don’t think it ever sunk it, even now that I’m home. It was just so surreal.

I had wanted to avoid any room for error so booked a taxi ahead of time to get us to the airport. We landed around 9pm local time and I knew we’d want to just get to bed, not deal with sorting transportation in a foreign country.

Foreign being the key word here, my Spanish is incredibly limited. I learnt a minimal amount but certainly not enough to hold a conversation – a big regret if I’m honest! The lack of Spanish very nearly meant we went with the wrong person for our taxi and would have no doubt been overcharged, but to my own pleasant surprise, I stood my ground.

A much nicer man than the first helped us find the correct taxi driver. I think he’d waiting a while, as his friend waiting with him cheered my name when we arrived… I remember grinning, soaking in the late night heat and thinking wow… welcome to Costa Rica!

The drive was short and mostly silent, purely from exhaustion by this point. The universe must have known we needed some extra comfort though, as upon checking in we were upgraded to a suite – we weren’t even going to be there for 12 hours but oh it was bliss!

We made it.

I hope you’ll read on and relive the journey with me… stay tuned.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve have any travel experiences during Covid!

Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day Five


This has gone so quickly, I can’t believe it’s the last day already.

I wanted to get a few bits done but also make the most of the last day to chill out. Dale was also home so we took Reggie out together and had a fairly chilled morning.

I have this habit of making a to do list that’s way too big to manage, so there’s still a lot that’s not ticked off… I wanted to get at least one more room ticked off so I focused on the hallway.

The hoovering needed doing again because Reggie’s fur is just everywhere, all the time. It’s no joke when people say that Corgis shed like crazy! The stairs also always end up super cluttered so I cleared them and cleaned up the skirting boards. I tidied up all my candle making stuff too because that always seems to end up in a proper mess… I wanted to make more today but somewhere along the line it didn’t happen. Maybe at the weekend I’ll try again!

As it got later in the evening, I felt like I needed a bit of a self care routine to relax before going back to work. I put a face mask on and also painted my nails. There’s something very calming about doing my nails, so I tend to have a different colour on each week.

I also thought it was best to do another covid test, which was luckily negative.

Photo by cottonbro on

All in all, it’s been nice to be home for a few extra days although I also know that going back to routine and normality at work will be good for me. I am tempted to do more diary posts like this though!

If you have enjoyed this style of blog post, be sure to let me know in the comments.

Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day Four


Today was my most productive day off in a while! I always manage to be more productive when it’s a weekday and I’d normally be at work, I think because I need to keep myself busy and I guess it’s routine.

The day started off like normal – a cuddle and a coffee in bed with Reggie. Yes, he sleeps in our bed with us… it was never the plan but I wouldn’t have it any other way now… anyway, I digress.

After Dale went off to work, I got myself up and started a spring clean in the bedroom. I polished everywhere and then got the hoover out. I wanted to get these bits done before I had breakfast, because at least then I’ve achieved something… just in case I end up not doing much else. When I sit down to eat seems to be the downfall!

Anyway, the hoover was clogged up… Reggie sheds like crazy now that he’s an adult, so we get a lot of fur in the hoover. I pulled it apart to clean out and then couldn’t actually get it back together again… great. I spent probably the best part of an hour sorting that out, which put me in a bit of a bad mood! A tiny bit of dirt got stuck where it needed to click back together, basically. I had to use a hair pin to dig it out, so that was a pain!

After I sorted all of that, I stuck on a wax melt to test out. The strawberry ones I’ve made aren’t giving a very good scent throw, as I think I’ve gone for too much fragrance oil if I’m honest… I also really keep meaning to write about my candle and wax melting… so many blog post ideas and so little time!

Breakfast was golden syrup flavour porridge. Yum.

Then I loaded up the dishwasher and reorganised the cleaning cupboards. Even more hoovering, then wiping down surfaces.

Then I had a work email that really bothered me. By this point it was lunch time so I had a cuddle with Reggie for quite a while and let myself have a chill out.

I eventually got myself up again and tried out my wax melting pot, which was great! It’s been a fair few weeks since I made anything so it was really lovely to get back in to it. I have so many ideas in my head if what I want to do though and sometimes I find it too overwhelming, so then nothing gets done instead. I’m really working on not putting pressure on myself, especially as it’s just a fun hobby!

I made a couple of mango scented candles, as I’m still working on finding the right wick. I’ll let them cure for a while and then test them out. If only I could make money on all the candles I’ve made and tested out already!

We had fish for dinner which was nice and healthy too, strawberries for pudding. A chilled evening, watching Netflix. I’ll be sad to come out of isolation if I’m totally honest!

Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day Three


Today I was a little more productive, although I still didn’t really get up and do anything until around midday. It’s just too easy to be lazy when you’re at home with no plans. There is so much I could actually do, but I just can’t be bothered.

Knowing I still have two days at home doesn’t help. It’s that “I can do it later” mentality that I’ve always had, leaving things to the last minute… I just can’t help myself.

Then again, why am I beating myself up for not being productive enough? It’s really not the be all and end all. I do this on a never ending cycle though… make a mammoth to do list and then berate myself when I don’t get it completed.

Sometimes, I like to take a leaf out of Mrs Hinch’s book and do a “ta da” list instead. It’s a good way to reflect on the things you have achieved, and actually it’s always surprising to find that you’ve done a lot more than you think!

Things I did get done today:

⁃ Wash load on and hung up to dry

⁃ Cleaned out the dishwasher

⁃ Dishwasher load

⁃ Cleaned down all the surfaces and the hob

⁃ Played with Reggie

⁃ Unboxed my wax melter

⁃ Made content and interacted with other bloggers

Ok, so it’s not the hugest list and there’s always more I could have done, but I don’t think I totally wasted the day!

It’s Monday tomorrow and I find I get more done when it’s a weekday and I’m at home. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m so used to being at work or whatever… but yea!

This evening we rewatched season one of Sex Education, as the new season is coming soon… also had a takeaway for dinner but I just had a chicken wrap to try and keep it moderately healthy. I’d like to lose a bit of lockdown weight now, as I’ve let it linger a little while! I’ve stuck with it as best I can for a few days now… we’ll see how I get on!

Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day Two


Dale asked me this morning when we got up if I’d made any plans… well funnily enough, no! I had a morning spin class in the garage and apart from that, bugger all.

My intentions, as usual, were to be productive after I’d done spin, but it’s just gone 4pm as I’m writing this and literally… I showered, published a blog post, ate lunch and then had a nap. That’s it. That’s been my day. I’m not even sorry to be honest!

I still have 3 whole days left to be productive… honestly the rest of the day after a spin class I’m just totally done in. I thought exercise was supposed to give you energy?! It’s all lies…

I will probably have a little bit of a potter about this afternoon and in to the evening, as Dale has gone out to a wedding. This means I have to get my own dinner sorted, so I actually do have to get back up off my ass at some point…

Even to turn the TV on, I need to actually get up… currently all I can hear is the neighbour singing along to Bon Jovi and it’s not exactly the soundtrack I want for a Saturday evening.

Reggie and I have had a lovely cuddle though, which is always the best. He’s now currently laid across the foot stool in front of me, absolutely fast asleep. I love him so much.

I’m going to make myself tuna pasta for dinner, although the only pasta we’ve got in the house is spaghetti. It feels weird to have that with tuna although I know it’s technically all the same. I think I’ll stick a film on while Dale is out too, I fancy watching Dirty Dancing. We’ve been binging New Girl on netflix and there’s an episode where Dirty Dancing is bought up and I’ve been wanting to rewatch it ever since.

Tomorrow is another day to be productive!

Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day One

This certainly isn’t the return to blogging that I planned but here we go…


I no longer work Fridays, so today started like any other day off.

I got out of bed when Dale went off to work and I walked Reggie. Came home, had some breakfast. Did a bit of tidying up before getting ready to out for an appointment.

I went to my appointment with no hiccups, then met my mum in town for some lunch. We had a great catch up, actually sat inside Costa with actual coffee cups and were about to head to Boots. “How long do you have left for your parking?” She asked me… as I got my phone out to check the time, there it was. A notification from NHS test and trace.

Being rather an anxious person, my initial reaction was of course blind panic. Immediately I felt ill, as if I’d just been told I actually HAVE Covid-19. My mind raced and I realised I needed to head straight home. Mum helped me to switch my rational brain back on and reminded me that I’ve already had both my jabs and besides… I’ve not felt ill until right in that moment. So to go home, take a test for peace of mind and just make the most out of the situation. I’m always craving more time at home and here it is!

I was exposed on the 19th June and only just being notified on the 25th, so it’s 5 days at home.

If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s being home with no plans, so 5 days is nothing! Although it does concern me that I’ve been going about my business for almost a full week, before being notified of the exposure… Luckily I’ve only been to work, wearing PPE, so actually it’s pretty ironic that on one of the rare occasions I’ve ventured out to anywhere else, I was “exposed”.

First things first was to let work know so I rang my boss whilst walking back to my car. Luckily I would only miss two days and can easily make up most of that time. So may as well enjoy the time off… there’s always plenty to do at home, Reggie loves the company and I can make plenty of candles and wax melts.

I calmed down and got home, tested and it was negative. Phew.

So time to get on with all this extra time at home…

I’ve been struggling to stick with any kind of blogging schedule for a little while and fell out of love with it all as a result. I’ve been trying to kick my butt in to gear and make a grand return, just not quite managed it yet. So I’ve decided to make a diary style blog series about how I fill my time. Plus of course, it means I can work on the many drafts I’ve started over the last few months! Stay tuned, I hope you’re all safe and well.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve had to isolate recently and how did you fill your time?

Posted in Life

Why I Have Given Up Social Media For Lent

By the time I’m publishing this, I’m a good few days in to Lent and have already deleted all my social media apps. The thing is, I’m not religious and don’t normally give Lent a second thought… so why have I have gone for it this year? And why social media…?

This post is not affiliated or paid for in anyway and contains purely my own opinions.

What is Lent?

Traditionally, Lent is “frequently seen as a time of solemn observance and preparation for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter. From its start on Ash Wednesday until its conclusion on Easter Sunday, Lent has been a traditional time for fasting or giving something up or abstinence. Just as we carefully prepare for events in our personal lives, as a wedding, or birthday; a commencement Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus’ life, death and body resurrection.” Quoted from

My understanding has always been that people will give something up for 40 days and 40 nights, and having gone to a Church of England primary school, I remember that it’s to replicate the sacrifices of Jesus in the desert… alas, primary school is as far as my religious understanding goes. There’s a very in depth article from the BBC all about Lent, as well as shrove Tuesday.

Like many Christian holidays… cough, cough, Christmas… Lent isn’t necessarily about religion anymore and is used as a time to give up something, generally a bad habit! I’m not one to give up things I enjoy, but this year I decided it would be different.

For me, I’m a stickler for having a set time frame for any kind of goal. If I ever start something it has to be a Monday, or 1st of the month. So if I wanted to give something up, Lent seems like the best time to go for it, and a fairly manageable time frame.

Giving up social media

So, why social media?

…Do you ever feel like you’re addicted to your phone? Like, you’re not really doing anything in particular, just aimlessly scrolling? Cause honestly, that’s where I’ve got to lately.

I’m pretty busy day to day with work, so when I get home I like to relax and do things I enjoy. However, I’ve noticed more and more lately that I’ve become a lot lazier than usual. My hobbies fell by the wayside and instead, I’d just scroll through Instagram or tiktok, wasting literally hours. I tell myself I’m working on my blog, but literally I’d just be scrolling and if anything, it’s been to totally detrimental to my blog.

In fact, I’ve well and truly fell in to the trap of comparison. Instead of working on my blog, I’d just look at everyone else succeed and feel bad that I wasn’t… same with my most recent hobby, candle making. Tiktok is full of success stories and I couldn’t understand why that wasn’t me… whilst scrolling tiktok and not making any candles.

By January it was a never ending cycle of feeling like I’m not achieving anything… but also not putting in the time to work towards my goals.

How has it been going so far?

So far it’s been way easier than I though it would be. I expected to be tempted daily to log back in to Instagram “just for a few minutes”, but actually I’ve hardly missed it! I guess that shows how much I needed a break though.

Have you given anything up for lent this year, or take a social media break recently? Tell me all about it in the comments!

Posted in Life

What it’s like to get the COVID-19 vaccination

Well, here’s a post I could have never predicted that I’d write when I started blogging…

I will start by clarifying that this post is about my personal experience, my own opinions and my own understanding of the COVID vaccination. I welcome any questions but do also be aware that there are much more qualified people to direct any queries to!

I think we all know by now that the world as we knew it prior to 2020, has been flipped upside down… probably more than once. Life just hasn’t been the same since COVID-19 reared it’s ugly head and spread like wildfire, so it’s no surprise that the opinion of many people is that the only way out is with a vaccine.

I’m very much pro getting the jab, otherwise I wouldn’t have done it. The vaccine is NOT compulsory, despite what some may seem to think. I can, however, completely understand why many people have reservations in that it came about so quickly… but really, seeing as this is a huge global issue, what else would you expect?! The research has been ongoing and the vaccine certainly wasn’t concocted overnight so personally, I trust the science.

Why I got the vaccine

I want to start by clarifying that I am by no means on the frontline and there are many people working more closely with the public and in a position of higher risk than me. However, I have worked throughout the pandemic in the healthcare sector so luckily for me I was in the second priority group for the vaccine.

In the UK, those currently receiving the vaccine are:

  • people aged 80 and over
  • some people aged 70 and over
  • some people who are clinically extremely vulnerable
  • people who live or work in care homes
  • health and social care workers

I actually feel slightly guilty in a way that I got mine so quickly, because it felt a little like jumping the queue. However, with all that is going on the world, this was not an opportunity to be missed.

What it was like getting the vaccine

On January 13th, 2021, I found myself queuing up outside a health centre, in the rain… buzzing with excitement, but also with slight terror, as I HATE needles. I’m not the kind of gal to get jabbed unless I need it, let me tell you that much!

The system in place was incredible. The queue outside moved quickly and was socially distanced, with everyone respecting the rules and wearing masks. Then at the front door, my temperature was taken and hands sanitised before checking in. I then joined another socially distanced queue, following the markings on the floor of what I assumed would have normally been the waiting room. Again, it moved quickly but there was still enough time to read over the vaccination leaflet and see the ingredients of the vaccine and what side effects I might expect later on. Once I was at the front of the queue, I could see there were a number of rooms in use, with many people gliding in and out, as they received their jab.

A friendly lady called me in, asked me if I was generally healthy and if I may be pregnant. Side note: current advice is to wait until you have given birth to receive your vaccine, and this is purely because they’re not able to trial a vaccine on pregnant women. The NHS website states that “There’s no evidence the COVID-19 vaccine is unsafe if you’re pregnant. But more evidence is needed before you can routinely be offered it.” That being said, if you’re in a high risk group you can still get your jab, even if you’re pregnant.

I said that I was healthy, just very nervous… she made small talk to put me at ease and let me know that she was actually a phlebotomist, so very good with needles! Fun fact: many of those that work in medicine are training to deliver the jab so that it can be rolled out at quickly as it is.

The needle went in my arm quickly and painlessly. Just like that, I had my first dose of the Oxford AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. I said my thank yous and made my way out of the back door, greeted by some of my colleagues who also had their jab at the same time, and we all went back to work for the afternoon!

I was amazed at how efficient the whole process was.

Did I have any side effects?

Keep in mind here that everyone will react differently to any kind of vaccine and mild side effects are common. With the Oxford vaccine, the most common side effects include:

  • tenderness, pain, warmth, redness, itching, swelling or bruising where the injection is given
  • generally feeling unwell
  • feeling tired (fatigue)
  • chills or feeling feverish
  • headache
  • feeling sick (nausea)
  • joint pain or muscle ache

You can read more about the less common side effects, as well as all the other information from the vaccine leaflet, here.

For me personally, I feel that I ticked off most of the above but let me be clear in that I did not feel extremely unwell in the slightest. A couple of colleagues felt a lot worse than me (many of us went the same day) but on the other hand, many didn’t feel anything afterwards at all. Like I said, everyone will react differently.

12 hours post vaccine – during the night

I woke up in a cold sweat, like… really sweaty. Plus, I ached all over. That being said, I didn’t actually think anything of this as I also had a really strange dream, which is not uncommon for me and I often wake up in the night, somewhat clammy and aching.

Day 1 post vaccine

After that fairly disturbed nights sleep, I got ready for work. Group chats on WhatsApp pinged away as we all discussed how we felt and then I realise that perhaps my night sweats were actually due to the vaccine. I still didn’t feel too bad so I didn’t mind. Lots of people were feeling much worse then me but as I said, about the same number of people also felt absolutely fine.

For the rest of the day, getting ever so gradually worse in the afternoon, I personally had a very fuzzy head and felt extremely tired, as well as having hot flushes. By the time I was home, I was utterly exhausted.

Some people had a completely dead arm or painful injection site but I personally had no pain at all in my arm.

Day 2 post vaccine

I had an early night and then felt fine the next day. All of my other colleagues also said they felt fine by now as well. I was still quite tired but seeing as the dog kept us up that second night and it’s not unusual for me not to sleep well, again I didn’t blame the vaccine!

My arm was a bit sore by this point but not bad at all, mainly just a little sting around the injection site.

Day 3 post vaccine

I felt completely normal with just a little sting in my arm every now and then. I didn’t even feel the sting by the fourth day and everything was completely back to how I felt pre-vaccine.

Overall thoughts

The whole experience was incredible and without sounding over the top, I feel honoured to be part of it all – let’s face it, this really is history in the making.

Don’t get me wrong though, I have my own doubts too… I can’t help but feel uneasy about the fact that the time between doses was increased from 3 weeks to up to 12 weeks. I understand why it was done and it’s meant that a much larger number of people were able to receive their first dose, however I do wonder how the gap could have been increased by such a significant amount of time. On the other hand, I’m very much one to trust the process so for now, I eagerly await an appointment for the second dose.

But what happens if you don’t receive the second jab?

My completely honest answer can only be that I don’t really know. My understanding is that the first dose only gives a certain amount of immunity, I believe around 60%, and then the second dose then boosts this up to over 90% and means that it will last longer. This is only what I gather from the information that’s been available to me, and I’m the furthest thing away from an expert on the matter! That being said, I’m keen to update you all once I do get the second dose or if I do get any more information.

I hope this post has been helpful and if you have any questions about getting the COVID-19 vaccination, then please feel free to ask away!

Posted in Blogging, Life

Reflecting on my 2020 goals and setting new ones for 2021

In a weird way, I’m struggling with 2020 coming to an end, as it feels like it was such a waste of time and that nothing was achieved… so I thought reflecting back a bit might help me shift my perspective. Plus, there’s always a new day, a new week, a new month, or a new year to set and achieve your goals!

I don’t exactly go back and read my old posts, so I although of course I remember what my goals were for last year, I haven’t read the post properly since I published it… so this feels a little strange delving back to what I thought 2020 would be like, pre-covid but let’s see what I said!

2020 goals… did I acheive them?

1. Write more.
I said in my 2020 New Years post that “I want 2020 to be the year I develop as a writer and a blogger.” Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t stick to writing as often as I would have liked, especially towards the end of the year… but I think in the grand scheme of things, I did pretty well!

2020 was a hectic year for me… I continued to go to work throughout all the lockdowns we had in the UK, and as a big part of my job involves sourcing PPE… you can imagine how the first half of the year was for me! Despite this, I created a blogging schedule and tried to set aside time for writing as much as possible.

So, did I acheive this goal? I’m gonna say yes!

Photo by Pixabay on

2. Read more.
Back in January 2020 I said that “my collection of books keeps growing and I owe it to them to get them read! I’d like to finally make sure I set aside time in the evening to read, instead of sitting on my phone.”

I will admit here, that many of my physical books have remained untouched since then, save the exception of perhaps 1 or 2. I feel embarrassed but as I said, the year was a crazy one!

It wasn’t a total failure on the reading front though… in 2020 I discovered audiobooks! So whilst I haven’t really read a physical book, I have listened to a fair few. Still not as many as I would have liked but… have I acheived this goal? I’m still going to go with a yes, but with the aim to try a bit harder again in 2021.

3. Worry less.
“I worry far, FAR, too much and frankly, I need to chill out a little. I’ll never not be a worrier I don’t think, but it’d be nice to learn to try and just let things go a bit more.”

Oh wow, I had no idea what was yet to come, did I?!

I didn’t specify in my last post, as a I don’t really talk about my mental health that much online, but it’s a lot more complicated for me that “I just worry too much”. I have stuggled with anxiety and panic attacks for most of my life, so it was never as simple as just “worry less”… Then the world was hit with a pandemic and we all faced a whole new level of stress and anxiety.

Photo by Andrew Neel on

I had wanted to start getting therapy in 2020, which was going to take a lot of guts as it was… but to go to a GP in the midst of Covid early in the year, was another level entirely. I also felt like I wouldn’t be taken seriously, as we were ALL scared. However, by August/September, my MH was really suffering. I could write a whole other post on it all, and I probably will later on in the year, but for the sake of getting to the point for now: I finally started seeing a counsellor in September.

So whilst I can’t actually say that I worried less, counselling is helping me understand and manage my anxiety in a way that to be honest, I didn’t think was possible. So did I acheive this goal? Too right I did.

4. Walk 1000 miles.
“Country Walking Magazine do this every year now, but this is the first year I’m giving it a proper go.”

Well… I did do a lot of walking in 2020 but when things got crazy at work at the height of Covid… I couldn’t be bothered to write my miles down and keep track. So whilst I was walking way more than I would have before, even walking to and from work in the spring and summer… I can’t really say I achieved this one without feeling like a fraud.

I am going to try again in 2021 though, so watch this space!

5. Get a dog.
“Now that we’re in a bigger house, and can actually be home more, this WILL be the year we get a dog. It’s not even an option anymore, I need a pup in my life!”

Ok, if you follow my blog and socials then you know I had this goal in the bag! We contacted a lovely breeder in January and were approved for a boy puppy, ready to come home mid-March. The timing ending up being absolutely perfect and Reggie was waiting at home for me after work, the week that the UK went in to lockdown. He was an absolute blessing at a time of such uncertainty and I’ve written many posts about him since!

Reggie and I heading towards 2021 with hope and positivity!

6. Look after my health. & 7. Drink more water.
“As I’m getting older, I’m realising that I take my health a little for granted perhaps, so I would like to work on that this year and well in to the future.”

Another thing the pandemic made many of us realise, I think, is the importance of our health. As I’d said in my 2020 post, I wanted to take better care of myself anyway but I really only recentlt realised just how lucky I am to be healthy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m by no means the world’s healthiest person… in fact, I’ve piled on weight in the last few years and spent many nights comforting eating at home. I am, however, a lot more conscience now: I drink more water, I eat more fruit and veg, I try to get plenty of fresh air and of course I’m also now taking care of my mental health too.

So did I acheive this goal? I’m saying yes, although I’ve got plenty of room for improvement.

8. Get organised.
“My biggest challenge of all, and to be honest, probably my resolution every year since I was old enough to need to be organised for myself… I am not organised, plain and simple. I buy a diary every year and never use it, I double book myself constantly, I’m always late and just generally never prepared. It’s time to improve – I won’t say it’s time to change, because to be honest I don’t think I ever will, but I can at least TRY to be more organised!”

I might as well just leave this year for a goal in 2021… I can’t really think of any examples of me being particularly more organised in 2020… then again it’s not like I had any plans to stick to! Did I acheive this? I’ll say no if I’m being honest with myself, seeing as my diaries and planners went near enough untouched yet again.

I signed off my 2020 post saying “I’m already off to a good start, so I feel like this year could really be a good one!” which I think now is a tad amusing… so many of us vowed that 2020 would be our year and really… well it just wasn’t, was it?

Photo by cottonbro on

Perhaps 2021 will be different! I’m not holding out for any overnight miracles, however the new year does bring some hope with it at least. Here are my goals for this year:

1. Take up more opportunies.

Reflecting on 2020 has made me really miss a lot of things, but also realise how many things I’d passed up on pre-covid, taking time and freedom for granted. Little things, like not being bothered to go out fot a drink, or being too nervous to try new things. This year, and beyond, it’s my goal not too pass up these opportunities… they say you only regret the things you don’t do, and I’m starting to understand that now!

2. Follow a proper skincare routine (and stick to it)

I will openly admit that I really don’t understand skincare, beyond washing my face and using a bit of toner and moisturiser. I keep trying to get in to a decent skincare routine, but becuase I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing I end up not keeping up with it.

My mum recently got me the Caroline Hirons book, so I’m trying to understand it all more and actually look after my skin once and for all.

3. Start a business.

I recently started candle making and having enjoyed it so much that I’d like to eventually pursue selling them and starting a business. I’m in no rush to do it, as I’d like to just enjoy it as a hobby for myself for now, and I also feel like I need to get it perfect before I sell. That all being said, I’d like to start this year – even if it’s December 31st!

4. Continue to work on my mental health

Finally starting to see a counsellor at 28 years old, has been a HUGE turning point for me – I can’t even begin to explain how tough it was to ask for the help I needed after so long. I’m already seeing such a difference, so this year I am going to carry on working on this and looking after my mind. I’d like to write more about my experience too, so watch this space if that’s something that will interest you.

5. Document the year

I often forget to appreciate the little things, or take photos, or write down my feelings. This year, I want to take it all in and remember it. I’ve already started mini daily vlogs and you can expect to see a lot more “journal” style blog posts on here too!

Carrying over from 2020…

Seeing as I didn’t quite acheive everything that I wanted to last year, there’s a few things that I’m going to try again with, or just carry on doing.

  • Walk 1000 miles
  • Read more
  • Look after my health
  • Be more organised

So there we go! 2021…. let’s do this. What are your goals for this year? Let me know in comments.

Posted in Corgis, Pets

7 Of The WORST Things About Having A Corgi

Let me just start out now saying that I adore having a Corgi and when I say WORST, I’m in no way shape or form complaining! However, there are still a handful of drawbacks and this small list is mine…

1. You always get attention whilst out for a walk

We actually often take Reggie to remote places or we walk before/after work when not many people are around. Not to avoid attention, and it’s not like we get swarmed every time we leave out house, but just because that’s what our routine is.

However, on most walks we get stopped by at least one person asking about him being a Corgi. It’s lovely when people take an interest but I’m not one for the attention! From what I gather, this isn’t just a Reggie thing, it’s a Corgi thing… so if you’re like me and don’t like the attention, be warned!

2. They shed like crazy

There’s an ongoing joke among Corgi owners that these dogs shed twice a year… for 6 months at a time. It’s not wrong! The shedding is relentless, so I would imagine that they are not a good breed if you have allergies, although I don’t know that for a fact. Regardless, if you don’t want dog hair everywhere, a Corgi really isn’t for you.

3. They need a lot of attention

Reggie will do anything to get our attention and is often getting as close as physically possible. He also gets particularly jealous if we’re fussing over another dog instead of him!

Owning any dog isn’t easy, or purely fun and games, but I’d say that a Corgi is one of the more difficult breeds in terms of how much time and attention they want from you. That being said, Reggie is also happy to have some time alone if he has to… he just wants your undivided attention all the time we’re home!

4. They will nip

Corgis were once used to herd cattle and these instincts are still apparent. It’s never too bad with Reggie but sometimes you can tell he’s trying to herd us and other dogs when we’re out for a walk, he will relentlessly chase if he can and unfortunately…. nip. Let me be clear, he’s not biting, and it never hurts but I know some people may take issue with a bit of nipping, especially if you have kids to think about.

5. They will try to rule the house

It’s in a Corgi’s nature to try and be the boss, so you have to establish your authority from day one. They KNOW they’re cute and will use it to get their own way… we’ve let Reggie get away with a lot, for example, he’s allowed on the bed now which was never going to happen! How can you resist that face though?

6. You need to keep an extra eye on their backs

Another thing Reggie pushes the boundaries on, is jumping off the furniture. Perhaps we should have been more strict in the beginning and not let him up, but he loves to cuddle with us and we love it too… however we learnt a scary lesson recently, when he woke up unable to walk one day.

A lot of expensive vet fees and weeks of anxiety later… we still don’t know really what caused it but the most likely explanation was that he’d hurt himself jumping of the bed in the night. It’s safe to say that we feel very guilty and so have now put provisions in place so he’d less inclined to jump, like a ramp, and he gets carried up and down the stairs. Sometimes we don’t catch him in time but it’s worth knowing that you must keep a close eye.

7. They’re very vocal

I absolutely adore everything about my boy, even with the downsides, but… if there was one thing I could possibly change, it would be his barking. Sometimes the noises he makes are quite amusing, including a range of strange grunts but then other times he goes overboard and will just bark incessantly to get whatever it is he wants.

He also barks if he sees another dog, not to be aggressive in the slightest as he thinks it’s how he can initiate play… but unfortunately and unsurprisingly, not everyone sees it this way and will often turn the other way!

All in all, having a Corgi is wonderful… but there are still down sides that are important to consider before owning one. I hope this post has been helpful and stay tuned for more Corgi content!

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