Posted in Life

Self Isolation Diaries: Day One

This certainly isn’t the return to blogging that I planned but here we go…


I no longer work Fridays, so today started like any other day off.

I got out of bed when Dale went off to work and I walked Reggie. Came home, had some breakfast. Did a bit of tidying up before getting ready to out for an appointment.

I went to my appointment with no hiccups, then met my mum in town for some lunch. We had a great catch up, actually sat inside Costa with actual coffee cups and were about to head to Boots. “How long do you have left for your parking?” She asked me… as I got my phone out to check the time, there it was. A notification from NHS test and trace.

Being rather an anxious person, my initial reaction was of course blind panic. Immediately I felt ill, as if I’d just been told I actually HAVE Covid-19. My mind raced and I realised I needed to head straight home. Mum helped me to switch my rational brain back on and reminded me that I’ve already had both my jabs and besides… I’ve not felt ill until right in that moment. So to go home, take a test for peace of mind and just make the most out of the situation. I’m always craving more time at home and here it is!

I was exposed on the 19th June and only just being notified on the 25th, so it’s 5 days at home.

If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s being home with no plans, so 5 days is nothing! Although it does concern me that I’ve been going about my business for almost a full week, before being notified of the exposure… Luckily I’ve only been to work, wearing PPE, so actually it’s pretty ironic that on one of the rare occasions I’ve ventured out to anywhere else, I was “exposed”.

First things first was to let work know so I rang my boss whilst walking back to my car. Luckily I would only miss two days and can easily make up most of that time. So may as well enjoy the time off… there’s always plenty to do at home, Reggie loves the company and I can make plenty of candles and wax melts.

I calmed down and got home, tested and it was negative. Phew.

So time to get on with all this extra time at home…

I’ve been struggling to stick with any kind of blogging schedule for a little while and fell out of love with it all as a result. I’ve been trying to kick my butt in to gear and make a grand return, just not quite managed it yet. So I’ve decided to make a diary style blog series about how I fill my time. Plus of course, it means I can work on the many drafts I’ve started over the last few months! Stay tuned, I hope you’re all safe and well.

Let me know in the comments if you’ve had to isolate recently and how did you fill your time?

3 thoughts on “Self Isolation Diaries: Day One

  1. I’m always so concerned about the length of time it takes to notify people that they’ve been exposed. The isolation period afterwards almost seems pointless in some cases. I’m glad your result was negative and hope Reggie enjoys the extra attention for a few days!


    1. It’s crazy isn’t it! Although I can understand how there’s such a delay sometimes, but it does make me worry… I’m so glad I was negative though! Thanks so much for reading 💕


  2. I haven’t had to isolate, but I have known a few people who have. It’s crazy that you don’t get notified until quite a few days, isn’t it?! I am definitely on the same page as you as loving having no plans at home, especially if I have different craft projects on the go!
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics


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