Posted in Corgis, Pets

7 Of The WORST Things About Having A Corgi

Let me just start out now saying that I adore having a Corgi and when I say WORST, I’m in no way shape or form complaining! However, there are still a handful of drawbacks and this small list is mine…

1. You always get attention whilst out for a walk

We actually often take Reggie to remote places or we walk before/after work when not many people are around. Not to avoid attention, and it’s not like we get swarmed every time we leave out house, but just because that’s what our routine is.

However, on most walks we get stopped by at least one person asking about him being a Corgi. It’s lovely when people take an interest but I’m not one for the attention! From what I gather, this isn’t just a Reggie thing, it’s a Corgi thing… so if you’re like me and don’t like the attention, be warned!

2. They shed like crazy

There’s an ongoing joke among Corgi owners that these dogs shed twice a year… for 6 months at a time. It’s not wrong! The shedding is relentless, so I would imagine that they are not a good breed if you have allergies, although I don’t know that for a fact. Regardless, if you don’t want dog hair everywhere, a Corgi really isn’t for you.

3. They need a lot of attention

Reggie will do anything to get our attention and is often getting as close as physically possible. He also gets particularly jealous if we’re fussing over another dog instead of him!

Owning any dog isn’t easy, or purely fun and games, but I’d say that a Corgi is one of the more difficult breeds in terms of how much time and attention they want from you. That being said, Reggie is also happy to have some time alone if he has to… he just wants your undivided attention all the time we’re home!

4. They will nip

Corgis were once used to herd cattle and these instincts are still apparent. It’s never too bad with Reggie but sometimes you can tell he’s trying to herd us and other dogs when we’re out for a walk, he will relentlessly chase if he can and unfortunately…. nip. Let me be clear, he’s not biting, and it never hurts but I know some people may take issue with a bit of nipping, especially if you have kids to think about.

5. They will try to rule the house

It’s in a Corgi’s nature to try and be the boss, so you have to establish your authority from day one. They KNOW they’re cute and will use it to get their own way… we’ve let Reggie get away with a lot, for example, he’s allowed on the bed now which was never going to happen! How can you resist that face though?

6. You need to keep an extra eye on their backs

Another thing Reggie pushes the boundaries on, is jumping off the furniture. Perhaps we should have been more strict in the beginning and not let him up, but he loves to cuddle with us and we love it too… however we learnt a scary lesson recently, when he woke up unable to walk one day.

A lot of expensive vet fees and weeks of anxiety later… we still don’t know really what caused it but the most likely explanation was that he’d hurt himself jumping of the bed in the night. It’s safe to say that we feel very guilty and so have now put provisions in place so he’d less inclined to jump, like a ramp, and he gets carried up and down the stairs. Sometimes we don’t catch him in time but it’s worth knowing that you must keep a close eye.

7. They’re very vocal

I absolutely adore everything about my boy, even with the downsides, but… if there was one thing I could possibly change, it would be his barking. Sometimes the noises he makes are quite amusing, including a range of strange grunts but then other times he goes overboard and will just bark incessantly to get whatever it is he wants.

He also barks if he sees another dog, not to be aggressive in the slightest as he thinks it’s how he can initiate play… but unfortunately and unsurprisingly, not everyone sees it this way and will often turn the other way!

All in all, having a Corgi is wonderful… but there are still down sides that are important to consider before owning one. I hope this post has been helpful and stay tuned for more Corgi content!

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7 thoughts on “7 Of The WORST Things About Having A Corgi

  1. I enjoyed reading about your corgi! They are adorable and I learned a lot about them from your post. I am a cat person, but really think these dogs are adorable. I am here from seeing your feature on Mind Beauty Simplicity’s blog. Take care!


  2. Awwww Reggie is so cute! My cousin had a corgi and he was such a good natured pup. I can relate to the very vocal dogs as I have a hound mix that was bred for hunting pigs here in Hawaii and man does she like to talk!


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